Friday Flashhorrorsnowpocalypse

Friday Flash Fiction: Melt

The wind is quiet, but I can hear the branches scratching against the window screens. We wait, silently, hoping that they’ll think no one is in here. That’s the advantage of human brains over brains made of snow – they’re… Continue Reading…

flash fictionFriday FlashGreat Chocolate Conspiracywebfiction

The Great Chocolate Conspiracy Part 10

Welcome to The Great Chocolate Conspiracy!Chocolate Digestive biscuits have disappeared from the shelves right across the eastern seaboard of the USA, and now the shortage has spread to London. Detective Chief Inspector Sam Adamson and his international team of investigators… Continue Reading…

Catholic School fictionFriday Flash

Friday Flash Fiction: Confession

I’ve gone back and forth about posting this one fora couple of weeks. It falls squarely in the category of “things I wish I’d had the guts to do in high school.” Feedback, as always, is welcome. Confession Victoria was… Continue Reading…

flash fictionFriday Flashnovel excerptshort story

Friday Flash Fiction: First Date

I read a novel excerpt as short story recently on the Narrative Magazine site that impressed me so much I thought I’d try something similar. This is from my completed (revision in progress) novel A Perfect Man. I’ll add some… Continue Reading…

fictionflash fictionFriday Flash

Friday Flash Fiction: The Agency — A Wish and a Dragon

I’m lucky to live in a place where new restaurants open frequently, and many of them last. Since you first met Thomas Forrest and Raven, Thomas has been emancipated (click here for that story), and they’re about to open a… Continue Reading…

fictionflash fictionfree fictionFriday Flashwebfiction

Friday Flash Fiction: The Agency

The idea for this one came out of a conversation I had last weekend with a friend who asked what I wanted in a minion. Yes, I love my friends. If you know of any minions looking for work, please… Continue Reading…

flash fictionFriday FlashSouthern Gothicwebfiction

Friday Flash Fiction: We Love Yankees

I thought I was stuck for #FridayFlash this week, but then I remembered this Southern Gothic tale I’d written for a writing group a few years ago. It’s funny how experience changes your writing, especially over the span of years.… Continue Reading…

fictionflash fictionFriday Flashparanormal mysteryvampire

Friday Flash Fiction: A Balance of Souls

Vampires are interesting because they’re conflicted, and I’ve gotten tired of the whiny ones. They’re not my usual thing, but I guess every spec fic writer has to do a vampire story at one point, so I consider this to… Continue Reading…

flash fictionfree fictionFriday Flashmicrofictionsuspense

Friday Flash Fiction: S.O.B.

Now that Always a Bridesmaid is over, I’m going to return to self-contained stories for my Friday Flash contributions. I’ll be starting a new serial for The Penny Dreadful within the next month once I get some groundwork laid, but… Continue Reading…