science fictionserial fictionTuesday Serialwebfiction

Serial Fiction: Monument Minders, Chapter Three

Chapter Three: Thom’s DreamsEarth, Southeastern United States, 1999 C.E. When Debtra opened her eyes and gazed into his own, Thom remembered the dreams he’d had since he was a young boy, of angels and gods, of worlds spinning off at… Continue Reading…

science fictionserial fictionTuesday Serialwebfiction

Serial Fiction: Monument Minders, Chapter Two

Sorry for the miss last week. I had a space cadet moment with the #TuesdaySerial collector. Chapters will be posted weekly from now on. Chapter 2Third Dimension, Earth, Southeastern United States1999 C.E. Debtra had been born before, five times in… Continue Reading…

science fictionserial fictionwebfiction

Serial Fiction: Monument Minders, Chapter One

Yes, it’s time for me to jump into serial fiction again! I started this one in April, and since I wanted it to be a serious story, I waited until I had it almost all written and the ending pretty… Continue Reading…

fantasyfictionserial fictionwebfiction

Random Fiction: The Emancipation of Thomas Forrest

My mind works in random ways. I didn’t mean for The Agency to kick off a mini-serial, but it appears to have. Since others requested more about Thomas/Forrest and Raven, and it’s fascinating to have a character with enough independence… Continue Reading…

fictionflash fictionfree fictionFriday Flashwebfiction

Friday Flash Fiction: The Agency

The idea for this one came out of a conversation I had last weekend with a friend who asked what I wanted in a minion. Yes, I love my friends. If you know of any minions looking for work, please… Continue Reading…

flash fictionFriday FlashSouthern Gothicwebfiction

Friday Flash Fiction: We Love Yankees

I thought I was stuck for #FridayFlash this week, but then I remembered this Southern Gothic tale I’d written for a writing group a few years ago. It’s funny how experience changes your writing, especially over the span of years.… Continue Reading…

fictionfree fictionparanormal mysterywebfiction

Always a Bridesmaid: Finale

Yes, it’s the final part! It’s a bit too long for a #fridayflash, so I decided to release it with my author chat with The Penny Dreadful. Your comments, as always, are welcome. Look for a surprise after the story.… Continue Reading…